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Business Partners

TCN implements big and complex projects in cooperation with other companies, complementary to the TCN’s core expertise. TCN has developed solid relations with several Business Partners in the Western Balkans creating a regional network.


The Business Partners are companies involved in the TCN projects performing civil works and construction activities, electrical installations, supply of mechanical structures and devices, transportation and logistic support services.


The strong connections with the Business Partners allow us to serve our customers even more successfully and to provide them exactly what they want smart technology, demonstrated value and responsive service from the best experts in the marketplace.


EMT – Turkey DOGAN – Turkey
MACON – Kosova GRANIT – Macedonia
ARDING – Kosova Sistemi Integrati Sicurezza – Italy
Alba Electrica – Albania Intermarketing – Slovenia
BENNING – Macedonia SHELTER – Greece
Davos Engineering – Macedonia ETI – Slovenia